“From Stray to Star Employee: Home Depot’s Heartwarming Tale of a Timid Dog Who Captured Hearts with His Work Ethic”


Receiving love, regardless of the amount, can have a significant and positive impact on our lives. When you adopt a pet, you have the chance to improve both your own life and that of the animal. It’s a mutual relationship where the animal finds a safe and comfortable home with a loving family, while the human caregiver gains an unwavering companion for life. The benefits are countless, making it a win-win situation for everyone involved. However, it’s important to keep in mind that adopting a pet is not an easy process.

The shy stray dog has been hired as an employee by Home Depot and his actions are touching

Jackie Rakers showed her kindness by adopting Heaven, a shy dog at the Kentucky River Regional Animal Shelter. Knowing that Heaven was struggling with fear and low confidence, Jackie decided to help her overcome these problems. She came up with an extraordinary plan and started taking Heaven to Home Depot.

The shy stray dog has been hired as an employee by Home Depot and his actions are touching

During a chat with The Dodo, Rakers revealed that her Home Depot excursions initially stemmed from her dog’s anxieties. As Heaven struggled to cope with unfamiliar places and sounds, Rakers started taking her on short trips to the store, where she was rewarded with treats. This strategy slowly but surely helped Heaven become more comfortable in new surroundings, and their visits to Home Depot gradually increased in length. As an added bonus, the store’s dog-friendly policy made it a warm and welcoming spot for the pair to spend time together.

The shy stray dog has been hired as an employee by Home Depot and his actions are touching

As a result, Heaven developed a strong sense of familiarity and comfort with Home Depot. She started interacting more with the store’s employees and visitors, gradually becoming more sociable. In fact, Heaven was given her own apron after a few visits. Whenever Jackie gets the apron out, Heaven immediately recognizes that they’re going to Home Depot. Jackie keeps the apron in the car at all times, so they’re always ready for a visit. When Heaven realizes they’ve arrived in the parking lot, she trembles with excitement, eager to put on her apron and start “working.” She struts around as if she owns the place.

The shy stray dog has been hired as an employee by Home Depot and his actions are touching

Home Depot has recently welcomed a new addition to their team – the adorable Heaven! Her presence has been well-received by every employee, as she has become a beloved figure within the store. Heaven is even allowed access to the employee break room, making her feel right at home. She has also gained popularity with customers due to her friendly and playful nature, which brings joy to everyone she interacts with.

According to Rakers, Heaven has a special ability to sense when someone is having a bad day. She makes it a point to approach them and offer them comfort just by sitting and looking at them. It’s like she has a sixth sense for finding people who need a little cheering up. Home Depot has provided an ideal environment for Heaven to spread love and joy to those around her.

Through her regular visits to Home Depot, Heaven has transformed remarkably. Though initially timid, she has now learned to trust and actively seeks out people who may need her comforting presence. Jackie, who frequents Home Depot for house-related activities, finds comfort in having Heaven around.

Overall, Home Depot couldn’t be happier with their new team member, and it’s evident that Heaven is equally content being part of such a welcoming atmosphere.

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